Metal Coil/Flats: Same Day Pick Up In Arizona

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7/8" Corrugated Product Data Sheets

Find general information all on one sheet that applies to your selected color. Product data sheet includes information such as:

  • Product Specifications
  • Testing and Approvals
  • Line Drawings
  • Load/Uplift Charts

Product Data Sheets For Corrugated Metal Roofing & Metal Wall Panels

Below you will find groups of colors that will follow our interactive color drop down menu you have seen on each of our product pages. The order of colors is shown the exact same way as the color drop down menu. Please select the color you desire for your project to begin downloading the product data sheet file. Please make sure you have your pop-up blocker disabled so the file can begin to download. 

To quickly access the color you require, we strongly suggest using the "Jump To A Color Group" links found to the right of this message. 

For T-8 Plankwall® Only

Painted Metal That Looks Like Wood