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Corrugated Metal Roofing Vs. Standing Seam

Are you trying to decide between corrugated metal roofing vs standing seam? Head to head comparison that discusses the cost and pros & cons of standing seam vs exposed fastener panels. By the end of this video you will know which panel system is best for you.

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Standing Seam Metal Roofing Vs Corrugated

Standing Seam Vs. Exposed Fastener Panels

Standing Seam Metal Roofing Vs. Corrugated Metal Panels

The first decision that you need to make when choosing a metal roofing panel is whether you will buy an exposed fastener or a concealed fastener metal roofing panels. When you’re comparing standing seam vs corrugated metal roofing panels it’s a balancing act between price and performance. Every residential roof and budget is different. Discover everything that you need to know to make the decision that’s best for you.

Metal Roofing Panel Profiles

Types Of Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is becoming more popular each year due to it's longevity, durability, long term savings, and the unmatched aesthetic they provide. Each type of metal roofing has it's own set of pros and cons. As you explore these panel profiles we have articles and videos that will make choosing the correct metal roofing panel for your house or commercial building much simpler.

7/8" Corrugated Metal Roofing

This classic metal roofing panel has wavy "S" shaped corrugations. It's affordable, attractive, and easy to install. 7/8" Corrugated will look amazing on your house or commercial building.

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Standing Seam Metal Roofing

Standing seam roof panels are the highest quality metal roofing system that you can buy. Every component of this system is designed to be a "Lifetime" roof which means that when it's installed correctly it can last 40 to 60 plus years.

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Standing Seam vs. Exposed Fastener Panels - Comparison Chart

Get your free copy of  our head-to-head comparison chart for Standing Seam vs. Exposed Fastener Panels. Use this quick reference guide to determine which metal roofing panel is the best fit for your roofing project. Fill out the form below and download it today!

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Corrugated Metal Roofing And Standing Seam Videos


What's The Price Of Corrugated Metal Roofing?

Corrugated metal roofing will cost about half the price vs standing seam roofing.

In depth video that breaks down the cost below in more detail.

  • Corrugated metal roofing sheets cost $1 to $2 per sq. ft.
  • Upgrading to a specialty paint print the price will be $2.50 to $3.00 per sq. ft.
  • The total price including materials and installation will cost $5 to $9 per sq. ft.

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Cost Of Standing Seam Metal Roofing

Standing seam metal will cost about twice as much as corrugated metal roofing.

This video will discuss these costs in more detail.

  • Standing seam panels cost $2 to $4 per sq. ft.
  • The total price including materials and installation will cost $8 to $14 per sq. ft.

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Homeowners Guide To Corrugated Metal Roofing

Corrugated metal roofing is a popular choice for residential homes, but it's not right for everyone.

An in depth video that explains the pros and cons of corrugated metal roofing. By the end of this video you will know if it's a good or bad fit for your project.

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10 Benefits Of Standing Seam Roofing

Standing seam is the best metal roofing that you can purchase. However, it's an expensive metal roofing system. In this video we explain all of the benefits so you can determine if it's worth it.

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From The Metal Roofing Learning Center

Comparison Articles: Standing Seam Vs Corrugated

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Corrugated Metal Roofing: The Ultimate Homeowners Guide

You have lots of questions about corrugated metal roofing. Instead of going through several different articles, we’ve created a comprehensive guide with all the answers in one spot.

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