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Bonder-Paint® - A Painted Alternative To Bonderized Steel

Do you want the look of Bonderized, but without all of the problems? We have the solution, Bonder-Paint. It's a painted panel that look like real Bonderized steel. Available in coil, flat sheets, metal roofing and metal siding. 

Bonder-Paint®: A Painted Metal Panel That Looks Like Bonderized Steel


Bonder-Paint® Dark

Bonder-Paint® Dark is a painted panel that's designed to look like a dark Bonderized steel. Aesthetically, most architects prefer the look of a darker Bonderized vs a lighter Bonderized.

Available in metal roofing, siding, coil, and flat sheets.

See panels


Bonder-Paint® Light

Bonder-Paint® Light is a painted panel that's designed to look like a light Bonderized steel. Aesthetically, you will still get the beautiful look of an old and weathered gray finish.

Available in metal roofing, siding, coil, and flat sheets.

See panels

Learn More About Bonder-Paint®

What is Bonder-Paint®?

Bonder-Paint is a painted metal panel that's designed to look like real Bonderized steel. It's a PVDF paint system that's available in two colors, Bonder-Paint® Light or Dark.

Bonder-Paint is a specialty paint finish which means that it's painted multiple times to give the color depth and texture. When you put it side by side with real Bonderized steel it looks nearly identical. In addition, when it's viewed from ground to roof it will be difficult to see any differences between Bonderized and Bonder-Paint®

How Much Does Bonder-Paint® Cost?

  • Bonder-Paint will cost about twice the price of real Bonderized steel or a standard PVDF painted panel.
  • Most of your cost for a metal roofing or siding project is the labor. This will add $2 to $3 per square foot to the overall cost of the job.



  • PVDF paint system
  • 40 year limited paint warranty 
  • It looks nearly identical to real Bonderized steel.
  • No white rust. White rust is a common problem that's associated with Bonderized steel.
  • Less color variation versus Bonderized
  • More resistant to scratches
  • Better cut edge protection
  • Wet stacks better than Bonderized


  • It cost twice as much as Bonderized
  • It's NOT a paint lock material that's designed to be post painted.