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How The PVDF Paint Shortage Affects The Metal Roofing Industry
Lauren Risotto

By: Lauren Risotto on September 22nd, 2021

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How The PVDF Paint Shortage Affects The Metal Roofing Industry

To say the steel industry has had a tumultuous year would be an understatement. 

Steel prices have steadily increased throughout 2020 and 2021 to all time highs along with an ongoing steel shortage. Even the most seasoned metal roof professionals are stunned at the current situation that shows no end in sight. 

Unfortunately, there is another issue that is starting to hit the metal roofing industry and that is a  polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) paint shortage and price increase.

At Western States Metal Roofing, we proudly manufacture metal roofing and siding panels in the premium PVDF paint system. We know our customers prefer PVDF panels for their durability and high chemical resistance. 

Once we became aware of the new issues surrounding the PVDF finishes and the paint industry in general, we felt it was important to write this article to keep you informed and help you best prepare for what is coming both now and potentially in the near future as it relates to the metal roofing industry.


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Why Is There A Paint Shortage?

There are several raw material issues throughout the country and now paint can be added to that list of construction materials that are becoming more scarce. The reason for the PVDF coatings shortage specifically has to do with the pigment, solvent and resin chemicals that make up the paint being in short supply. 

The winter ice storm that Texas experienced in early 2021 caused refineries and chemical processing plants to temporarily stop production resulting in inventory losses. 

The international supply of chemicals used in paint has also been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic due to a reduced workforce and increased demand and has been slow to recover on a global scale. 

The shortages of solvent, pigments, and paint resins may seem sudden but the problem has actually been going on all year with the prices of the chemicals slowly increasing. Now, the shortage has gotten to a point where it will be hard for it to not be noticeable to all industries that rely on painted goods.


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How Does A Paint Shortage Affect Metal Roofing?

A paint shortage ultimately means that metal panels for roofing and siding that are painted in the paint system will be more expensive, as demand for the paint is surpassing supply. Some colors will be harder to find or even not available and all orders will experience longer lead times.

While all types of paint are currently experiencing shortage issues, the situation is particularly problematic for the metal roofing industry. Metal roofing panels come in different types of paint systems, however, PVDF is the premium and often more preferred paint system in both specialty and standard colors because of its high mechanical strength and color retention given its excellent resistance to fading and chalking compared to SMP paint, or silicone polyester. Also, some panels such as standing seam are only offered in the PVDF paint system.


What Impact Does A Paint Shortage Have On The Price Of Metal Panels?

PVDF coatings have already seen a recent price increase of roughly 20% due to the paint resin shortage. However, experts in the paint industry predict that another 20% increase is imminent for PVDF coatings before the end of 2021 and that by the middle of 2022, the price of PVDF paint could be up to 40% higher


What Impact Does The PVDF Paint Shortage Have On The Lead Times Of Metal Panels?

A shortage not only affects price but also how long it takes to get your materials. Paint suppliers previously supplied the paint within 10 business days, lead times for the same products have now been pushed to 8-12 weeks. This is due to the resin shortage, high demand in orders, and the scarcity of paint.


What Should You Do If You Need PVDF Coated Metal Panels?

No one can predict the future with absolute certainty, but all indicators are pointing to further paint shortages resulting in more price increases. However, the situation is changing rapidly with little notice. 

If you have a job that requires a metal panel in a specific color, we highly advise you place your order as soon as possible to ensure the color you need is still available and will be ready when you need it. There is also a high likelihood that the price of painted metal panels today will be lower than if you place the same order in 3 months so you will be saving money and peace of mind. 


Order Your PVDF Painted Metal Roofing Panels Today

After taking all the issues we discussed in this article into consideration, we highly advise anyone that will need painted metal panels in the near future to order them as soon as possible. As we discussed, waiting will cost you more money and longer lead times. 


Request a sample of the colors you are interested in. If you already know the color and panel profile you are looking for, request a free quote today.


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About Lauren Risotto

Lauren is the Content Manager at Western States Metal Roofing and provides insight on content creation and product promotions.