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Metal Siding Provides Solution For Mesa Hangars At Falcon Field
Lauren Risotto

By: Lauren Risotto on July 6th, 2022

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Metal Siding Provides Solution For Mesa Hangars At Falcon Field

Metal Siding

Whether it’s chosen for appearance, durability, or it’s incredibly low maintenance, metal siding is being used more often than ever on commercial and even residential projects. 

The Mesa Hangars at Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, Arizona  is a recent example of a large-scale commercial project that used metal siding provided by Western States Metal Roofing. The project, which totaled ± 394,000 square feet, used the Western Wave panel for the siding.


We recently caught up with Greg St Clair, President of Arizona Corporate Builders, who was responsible for the steel structure portion of the project. St. Clair served as the project executive who told us more about this exciting project, the challenges it was able to overcome, and how it will benefit from having metal siding.



How Metal Siding Benefits Large Projects

  • Low Maintenance
  • Durable
  • Long Lasting
  • Recyclable

Metal Siding Is Low Maintenance

Using a low maintenance material, such as metal siding, makes life after a proper installation much easier on a large building or project. Instead of having to perform regular maintenance to thousands of square feet of material, there’s not much that needs to be done to metal.


Metal Siding Is Durable

Metal is known for being a strong material, but this type of siding really shows its strength when it goes up against heavy rain, snowfall, and gale force winds as it has excellent resistance against uplift, punctures and scratching. 

The durability of metal siding makes it an excellent match for most areas regardless of weather. This is especially helpful on a large project because it means less of a chance of a large amount of material needing to be repaired or replaced.


Metal Siding Is Long Lasting

Any kind of project will benefit from a siding material with longevity, but it’s especially beneficial on a large project. A structure the size of the Mesa Hangars is a large undertaking that can come with many challenges as you’ll learn in the next section. Knowing that once the project is complete, there’s no need to worry about any kind of replacement for the next 50+ years should bring a big sigh of relief to everyone involved.


Metal Siding Is Recyclable 

Sustainability has become more of a concern than ever before. Give your clients and the community where your project is located greater peace of mind by using a material with a positive environmental impact such as metal. Metal, including steel, is the most recycled material in North America.

At the end of a Western Wave® panel’s lifecycle, each panel is 100% recyclable.


Overcoming Construction Challenges

The Mesa Hangars project broke ground in June 2020, very shortly after the global shutdown caused by Covid-19. For the construction industry, the pandemic meant product shortages, labor shortages and most frustrating of all: volatile price increases

When it came to metal panels, the prices were actually so unpredictable as they kept increasing that it was affecting the Hangar project’s ability to stay on budget. The price volatility was actually threatening the ability for the project to even be completed. 

Western States Metal Roofing was able to figure out a solution. St Clair pre- purchased the material from WSMR so that the project was protected from future price increases. This assured Arizona Corporate Builders that they would not have to continue to stress over the budget but also that they would have the material they needed for the project which was a large amount. and the schedule was not delayed. 

Western States Metal Roofing stored the material until it was needed for the project. Doing this was able to keep the project within its financial limits so it could move forward. 

St Clair mentioned that this was a great example of WSMR’s “can do” attitude which he appreciates since it matches the attitude that Arizona Corporate Builders, also a family owned business, is known for. 


How Working With Western States Metal Roofing Can Benefit Your Large Project

Large projects can come with even larger frustrations if you aren’t working with an experienced, reputable metal supplier. However, no matter if the project is large or small, who you choose to do business with matters.

Western States Metal Roofing has over 25 years experience manufacturing material for large projects including government buildings, hotels, and more. WSMR goes above and beyond to deliver for our clients. If you are considering switching metal suppliers or looking for a quote on a new project, our knowledgeable sales team is happy to help and answer all of your questions.

Get started on your project today by requesting a free quote.

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About Lauren Risotto

Lauren is the Content Manager at Western States Metal Roofing and provides insight on content creation and product promotions.